After experiencing a car accident, one may wonder how long it will take to resolve a car wreck claim. In fact, at 770 GoodLaw, it’s one of our most frequently asked questions, and with good reason. In addition to recovering from a car accident, you have to worry about loss of wages due to injury and medical bills. Understandably, someone would want their claim resolved as quickly as possible.

Here at 770 GoodLaw, we can give you averages. From day one, when you sign up with us, we will tell you who will do what and when for both your property damage and bodily injury cases.

There are two claims for every car wreck. Our office has a plan for both of those claims for your case. We have a spreadsheet stating what will happen on day one when you sign your property damage claim all the way until we resolve your case, including the expected time frames. Likewise, we will do the same for your bodily injury claim.

Have you been in a car wreck? Give us a call today and schedule a free consultation to discuss your options.

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