Dog Bite Injury
Case Study
Case Overview
This is a case involving a dog bite incident. The client, a DoorDash driver, was delivering an order to a customer's residence. Despite calling the customer twice, they did not come out immediately. When the owner finally appeared, they opened the inner door, causing a straw to fall on the floor due to wind. At this moment, one of the dogs, a Rottweiler, came out and bit the client. We explained the dog bite rule in Georgia to the parties involved. Additionally, we learned that the dog has bitten people before. The first responders to the scene were the fire department, and the client declined an ambulance.
Coverage available

Case Outcome
Amount Recovered
We gained extra experience working with subrogation, which is the process where one party, typically an insurance company, steps into the shoes of another party to recover the expenses it has paid out on behalf of the insured. In this instance, with DoorDash and our client.
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