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What is a Diminished Value Claim?

Diminished value refers to a vehicle’s worth decreasing due to damage caused by an accident. It is important to understand that when a vehicle becomes damaged, its value decreases, even when it is professionally repaired and functions the same as it did before a...

What is Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

For many motorists, understanding Georgia’s uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM insurance) can be challenging. Many drivers believe that they have it, only to find out when it is too late that they do not. Others, however, find themselves in a...

How to get a Police Report

Individuals who have been in a car accident should always obtain a copy of their police report. An accident report is a formal document that may help prove which driver is liable for a crash. Therefore, it can serve as an important piece of evidence if an individual...

What is Medical Payment Coverage?

After a car accident, individuals may sustain serious bodily harm. Even injuries that seem minor, such as chest pain, can cost thousands of dollars when x-rays or CT scans are needed. Most people cannot afford to pay for the treatment of these injuries, particularly...

How to use Collision Coverage?

When a driver is in a car accident and has collision coverage on their vehicle, they have two options. They may pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver, or they may go through their insurance provider and use their collision coverage to...

Car Accident in Georgia Superior Court

Car Accident in Georgia Superior Court Superior courts have general jurisdiction because the law empowers these judges to hear a variety of cases. Every county in Georgia has a superior court, and a plaintiff should file their suit in this court if they believe that...

Car Accident in Georgia Magistrate Court

Not all car wreck lawsuits end up before a jury. If a plaintiff’s injuries and financial losses are minimal, this is when a person should bring their car accident case to a Georgia magistrate court. Unlike superior courts, small claims courts are only able...

Are there Limits on a Car Accident?

Are there limits on a car accident? If you have suffered injuries in a Georgia car accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to recover financial damages. Although there are some limitations on the damages you could recover through a lawsuit or an...


Georgia has enacted HB 673, otherwise known as the Hands-Free Act. It prohibits drivers from holding or supporting their telecommunication devices with their hands or any parts of their body. Here’s some different ways, apps and devices that can help you drive...

What Are Your Rights After A Car Accident

What are your rights after a car accident? It can take months or even years to resolve a personal injury claim after a car accident. However, the steps you take in the hours or days following the accident can dramatically impact your odds of successfully recovering...

How Does Diminished Value Work?

How does diminished value work? WHAT IS DIMINISHED VALUE? Imagine you are purchasing your favorite vehicle. You go to a dealer and the dealer shows you two vehicles that are identical in every way, (i.e. make, model, year, mileage, color, features, condition, and same...

What to Know About Out of State Car Accidents

What to know about out of state car accidents? Dealing with the stress and worry of a motor vehicle accident is difficult under the best circumstances. The hassle of arranging medical care or vehicle repairs when you are out of state is exponentially harder for many...

Who Pays Medical Bills After a Car Accident?

Who pays medical bills after a car accident? Curious who pays for medical bills after an auto accident in Georgia? You are not the only one. The days and weeks after a severe car accident can turn into a blur of insurance forms, accident reports, and growing medical...

Types of Claims From A Car Accident

Types of claims from a car accident? The costs that come with a severe car accident can be high. When serious injuries are involved, the medical bills can quickly overwhelm most people. The cost of repairing your motor vehicle could likewise be costly. Facing these...

Do Traffic Violations Increase My Car Insurance?

Do traffic violations increase my car insurance. There is a range of consequences when you are convicted of a traffic violation. You can expect to pay fines and potentially serve community service. If your violation also involved an accident, you could be subject to a...


Unsure how to find the right auto insurance? There are countless insurance options available for Georgia drivers. While liability coverage comes standard, there are other add-ons that can greatly impact your rights during a crash. The type of insurance coverage you...


Should you buy accident forgiveness? If you have been involved in a vehicle collision, you likely appreciate the financial consequences that can come with a crash. From vehicle repair costs to towing expenses, the financial impact of a crash can be substantial. One...

What Happens If Your Car Is Totaled?

What happens if your car is totaled? The aftermath of a serious vehicle collision can be challenging for anyone. While some minor collisions result in little more than dinged doors or cracked fenders, many collisions result in a motor vehicle becoming a total loss. If...


Why did my car insurance go up? Car accidents routinely result in painful injuries like broken bones or sprains. Unfortunately, you might also feel pain in your wallet following an accident. In addition to the cost of repairing your vehicle, you might find that your...


It’s no secret that car insurance policies can be confusing. You may understand that auto insurance is meant to protect you in the event of an accident, but beyond that, it is difficult to clarify the facts about your policy. There are many misconceptions that are...


GAP insurance, also known as guaranteed asset protection, covers the gap between what you owe on your vehicle and how much the vehicle is worth (actual cash value). This insurance is used after an unwanted occurrence happens such as if you were in...


Tips to lower your car insurance? Vehicle owners are required to have insurance coverage, and for good reason. In the event of a car accident, insurance can help cover any damages to your vehicle so that you do not have to pay out of your own pocket. However,...


There is no exact answer to how much car insurance one person needs, the amount of car insurance a person needs is dependent on a number of factors. Drivers in every state need car insurance to drive legally, and the best starting point in determining how much car...

How to Negotiate a Car Accident Settlement

How to negotiate a car accident settlement? Car accidents are stressful situations, from dealing with the immediate aftermath of the crash to trying to negotiate with insurance companies, they are not easy to navigate. Many car crash accident victims are also...


If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of another, contact the experienced Norcross personal injury attorneys at 700GOODLAW to discuss your case and various legal options that are at your disposal. To learn more and begin your road to recovery fill out the contact box at the top of the page or give us a call.


(770) 214-4311